Un alimento completo y equilibrado para gatos adultos. A partir de un año.

Delicioso paté de salmón con arándanos, melón y una pizca de romero. Una opción deliciosa que ayuda a mantener la buena salud de tu gato.

92% salmón





Salmón (92%), arándanos (2%), melón (2%), romero, sustancias minerales, xilosa.

Proteína bruta (8.8%), Grasa bruta (8.1%), Fibra bruta (0.3%), Ceniza bruta (2.8%), Humedad (78.8%)

Nutricionales: Vitamina A 4.000 UI/kg, Vitamina D3 170 UI/kg, Vitamina E 41 mg/kg, Hierro (carbonato de hierro [II]) 1,58 mg/kg, Cobre (sulfato de cobre [II] pentahidratado 0,24 mg/kg, Manganeso (óxido de manganeso [II]) 5,25 mg/kg , Yodo (yoduro de potasio) 0,09 mg/kg , Zinc (óxido de zinc) 6,42 mg/kg , Selenio (selenito de sodio) 0,0054 mg/kg

Tecnológico: Goma Cassia 2.700mg/kg

Ración diaria recomendada

Calcula la ración diaria adecuada para tu perro

Ingredientes de esta receta


SALMÓN: Fuente de proteínas de alta calidad, de fácil digestión y palatables, con un alto contenido en ácidos grasos omega-3 (principalmente EPA (ácido eicosapentaenoico) y DHA (ácido docosahexaenoico)). También aporta vitaminas (A, D, B12, B3, B6 y B2), minerales (selenio, potasio, magnesio, fósforo y yodo) y antioxidantes (astaxantina). En general, contribuye al desarrollo muscular (gracias a su alto contenido en proteínas), a la salud cardiovascular (gracias a su contenido en ácidos grasos omega-3), a la función cerebral (gracias al efecto neuroprotector de los ácidos grasos omega-3), a la reducción de la inflamación (por su contenido en ácidos grasos omega-3 y astaxantina), a la salud ósea (gracias a su alto contenido en vitamina D y fósforo), y la salud inmunológica (por su contenido en vitamina D y selenio).


SALMON: A source of high-quality, easily digestible, and palatable proteins, with a high content of omega-3 fatty acids (mainly EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)). It also provides vitamins (A, D, B12, B3, B6, and B2), minerals (selenium, potassium, magnesium,
phosphorus, and iodine), and antioxidants (astaxanthin). Overall, it contributes to muscle development (thanks to its high protein content), cardiovascular health (thanks to its omega-3 fatty acid content), brain function (thanks to the neuroprotective effect of omega-3 fatty acids), the reduction of inflammation (due to its content of omega-3 fatty acid and astaxanthin), bone health (thanks to its high vitamin D and phosphorus content), and immune health (due to its vitamin D and selenium content).


YEAST: A source of high-quality protein and excellent palatability. It is also particularly rich in B vitamins, minerals (selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus), prebiotic compounds (mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS) and beta-glucans), and nucleotides. Overall, it contributes to improving the quality of the skin, hair, and nails (due to its content of biotin and other B vitamins), nervous system function (due to its content of B vitamins), immune function (due to its content of beta-glucans, zinc, selenium, and nucleotides), and to gastrointestinal health (thanks to its content of prebiotic fiber).

PEAS AND LENTILS: Source of plant-based proteins, fiber (both soluble and insoluble), and complex carbohydrates (mainly starch). They also provide vitamins (B1, B6, K, and folate), minerals (iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus), and antioxidants (polyphenols). Overall, they contribute to digestive health (the fiber content helps regulate intestinal transit), blood sugar control (thanks to complex carbohydrates and fiber content), and the prevention of metabolic diseases (thanks to their content of antioxidants
and phytogenic compounds).


POTATO: A source of complex carbohydrates (mainly starch) that are easy to digest, provides energy and allows obtaining crunchy kibbles during the extrusion process. Furthermore, potatoes are hypoallergenic and rarely cause allergic reactions.


POULTRY FAT: A highly palatable and digestible concentrated source of energy, which also provides essential fatty acids from the omega-6 family (such as linoleic and arachidonic acid), and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). It also contributes to the absorption of fat-soluble compounds, cellular function (since essential fatty acids are crucial for maintaining the integrity of cell membranes and the general health of the body) and maintain the health of the skin and hair.

SALMON OIL: A highly palatable concentrated source of energy, which also provides essential omega-3 fatty acids (such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)), vitamin A and antioxidants
(astaxanthin). EPA helps reduce inflammation and improves cardiovascular health. And DHA is crucial for brain health, cognitive function, and eye health. In addition, vitamin D and antioxidants help strengthen the immune system.


CARROT: A good source of dietary fiber, that is also particularly rich in vitamins (A, K, C, and B vitamins), minerals (potassium, manganese, calcium, and phosphorus), and antioxidants (beta-carotene, flavonoids, and phenolic acid). Overall, it contributes to digestive health (thanks to its fiber content, it improves the regularity of intestinal transit), visual health (thanks to its high beta-carotene content), strengthens the immune system (thanks to its vitamin A and C content), and prevents the appearance of diseases caused by oxidative stress (thanks to its antioxidant content).

GREEN BEANS: A good source of dietary fiber, which also provides vitamins (C, K, A, and B vitamins), minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus), and antioxidants (flavonoids and beta-carotene). Overall, it contributes to digestive health (thanks to its fiber content, it improves the regularity of intestinal transit), strengthens the immune system (thanks to its vitamin C content), reduces inflammation and prevents the appearance of diseases caused by oxidative stress (thanks to its antioxidant content).


ARÁNDANOS: Una buena fuente de fibra dietética, que también proporciona vitaminas (complejo C, K y B), minerales (manganeso y potasio) y antioxidantes (antocianinas, flavonoides y ácido elágico). En general, contribuyen a la salud digestiva (gracias a su contenido en fibra, mejoran la regularidad del tránsito intestinal). Además, ayudan a reducir la inflamación en el organismo (gracias a su contenido en antocianinas) y a fortalecer el sistema inmunitario (gracias a su contenido en vitamina C y antioxidantes). Además, los arándanos tienen propiedades antimicrobianas que ayudan a prevenir infecciones del tracto urinario.

MELÓN: Fuente de fibra dietética, que además aporta vitaminas (A y C), minerales (potasio y magnesio) y antioxidantes (vitamina C y betacaroteno). En general, contribuye a la salud digestiva y genera un efecto saciante (gracias a su contenido en fibra, mejora la regularidad del tránsito intestinal y genera sensación de saciedad).


ROMERO (ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS): Rico en antioxidantes (ácido rosmarínico, ácido carnósico, carnosol), que ayudan a eliminar los radicales libres y reducir el estrés oxidativo en el cuerpo. Además, tiene propiedades antimicrobianas y antifúngicas, lo que lo convierte en un excelente conservante natural, y proporciona beneficios digestivos, al estimular la producción de bilis (que facilita la digestión de la grasa) y aliviar las molestias digestivas.

Yeast, Peas, Lentills
Poultry fat, Salmon oil
Carrot, Green beans
Arándanos, Melón